Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Flowers Are Food For the Soul


I love all flowers! Any and all flowers are food for my soul! The big and showy cultivated roses, the out of control climbing vining types, like clematis. Bulbs that bloom as if by magic with seemingly no work from me, dainty wildflowers growing along a woodland path, or lowly mosses with little spiked flowers, on a rocky outcrop growing at a standstill.

Evergreen Clematis and Flowering Quince


I admit to being a bit irreverent when it comes to drawing and hooking flowers in my art and rugs. For me, it's more important to capture the "essence" of the flower than to attain realism. Most of my flowers probably aren't identifiable as any particular species. I'm ok with that!

Garden Hideaway close-up
Old Garden Wall close-up


At this time in my life, I am a primitive-style folk artist. There are many styles of rug hooking, and all styles should all be honored and appreciated! Who am I to say which style is above another, or which technique takes more artistic ability, training or time. Whatever you enjoy, whatever makes YOUR HEART SING, whatever feeds your creative soul, is the perfect rug hooking style for you.

I hope hooking a flower of some sort is in your creative future! Spring is right around the corner, so look to Nature for your inspiration and start planning the next flower for your project. I know I am!

Love this, not sure of the name



  1. Was nice to come home from a day of hooking to find your blog in my mailbox. I'm with you, love flowers of all kinds. Right now my yard is full of daffodils, and one snapdragon in bloom (I know early) and one carnation plant in bloom. No tulips as yet, but have seen some in bloom around town in sunnier yards.

  2. A snapdragon in March?! That is crazy! Thanks Marie!
